20 Ways to Generate Leads from Inbound Marketing (Part 2)
6) Connect with your community
Build your online presence and you’ll build your profile with potential customers. This all-important profile depends on you connecting and conversing with your fellow bloggers. Take part in your community by commenting and communicating on a regular basis. This establishes you as an authority in your particular industry or field and also builds your presence within your network. Recommending great resources also adds to your professional presence and boosts your connectivity with your online community.
7) Make online and offline match
Consistency is a key element in inbound marketing – and consistent behaviour (of the right kind) is what all potential customers respond well to. Be a consistent presence online and maintain that conversation and personality when you’re offline. Made a connection offline? Connect with them again on social media channels. Your consistent presence will strengthen that initial meeting and ideally build on the relationship. This pays off.
8) Turn the search engines into your conversion engine
Did you know that globally, we conduct 88,000,000,000 searches a month on Google? That converts into 57% of internet users who search the web every day, 46% of which are searches for information on products or services, while 20% of monthly searches on Google are for local businesses (Source: Hubspot Marketing). Turn the search engines into conversion engines for your business. Get indexed with high quality, keyword-rich content and stay consistent and connected.
9) Show, don’t just tell
Build a conversation that turns into leads by sharing compelling evidence of the benefits of your product or service. Don’t just tell – show. Use social media and blogging to share what makes your business special. This also builds that all-important professional credibility. Showing is all about customer comments, interviews, feedback and testimonials. This approach adds to the word of mouth approach so work on building a compelling online presence through a network of feedback from satisfied customers.
10) Apply the power of personality
Personality is very powerful. It makes you memorable, likeable and credible. Ensure your online presence and every other way you communicate with your leads and potential customers is packed with personality. Create a consistent character and make sure it’s targeted to your audience. This added character builds familiarity and boosts the all-important conversion conversation you are having with your potential leads.
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