Ardoq Enterprise Architecture Maturity Assessment
Discover how we created a convenient online tool to enable Ardoq to assess the relative digital maturity of prospects.
As an organization that promotes intelligent, data-driven enterprise architecture (EA), Ardoq recognized the need to be more data-driven in how they work too.
They asked Tomorrow People to create and build an online interactive tool that enables their potential customers to calculate the maturity of their EA practice, and also helps Ardoq to more effectively segment prospects and customers.
Creation and build
We wrote, designed and built an eye-grabbing landing page that calls out the main benefits of taking the assessment. This leads participants to a series of statements where they’re asked to state how strongly they agree or disagree with each claim.
Behind-the-scenes algorithms use these results to automatically place each participant on a maturity curve, ranging from “Finding your way” to “Breaking barriers”.
Expert advice and insights for participants
A series of visual charts then details how each organization has scored across a range of different factors such as teams & responsibilities, prioritizing initiatives, and impact analysis.
Ardoq offers personalized expert advice detailing their current status, and next steps to take so they can realize their full potential.
Data insights for Ardoq
Importantly, the maturity assessment also helps Ardoq with their lead generation and qualification processes. As Ardoq’s segmentation model becomes more sophisticated, they want to communicate with prospects and customers differently depending on their maturity and capabilities.
Through analysis of the maturity assessment results, Ardoq can quickly understand where prospects are strong and where they may need assistance, and therefore communicate with them in the most effective and relevant manner.
The end result is an engaging and interactive digital tool that attracts visitors to Ardoq’s site and serves as an important part of their lead generation activities.
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