What is the Future of Business Marketing?
By Pete Winter

What is the Future of Business Marketing?

smart inbound marketing quotes

“There is no black magic to successfully attracting customers via the web.”
Rand Fishkin, Founder, Seomoz

Ever wished you could pick the brains of the brightest and best in marketing and business?

We just did – so you don’t have to.

In our eGuide 30 Smart Quotes on the New Business Marketing we bring together insight and expertise from some of the greatest thinkers – and do-ers – in inbound marketing, business and new media.

Find out what some of the world’s marketing movers and shakers have got to say about the importance of an alternative and proven approach to marketing – from Steve Jobs to Susan Friedmann.

In our eGuide 30 Smart Quotes on the New Business Marketing you’ll find:

  • Expert insights into the value of inbound marketing
  • Inspiring and informative quotes from some of the world’s greatest business and marketing minds
  • Unique views on the way that business marketing is changing

Want to see for yourself what the biggest names in marketing and media are saying about the future of business marketing?

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