Why SEO Is About More Than Just Keywords
By Pete Winter

Why SEO Is About More Than Just Keywords

keyword researchSEO: Much more than just keywords

SEO is now a well known aspect of marketing. The rise and rise of search engines and the growth of the internet mean that companies are keen to get in on the act. But while SEO is well recognised as a valuable source of revenue and reputation, a lot of business-owners and marketers still overlook the all-important detail in achieving results from SEO marketing. This means that too many companies are still missing out on the potential benefits – and could actually be undermining their search engine ranking. So what is the right mindset for making more from SEO?

Think markets, not just keywords

Yes, keywords are indeed part of SEO, but they are just one part. Use the services of an SEO agency and they may well focus on keywords to the detriment of your marketing results. Instead, start by looking at the keywords and phrases your customers are using. Track where the activity is and build a strategy around that. Using inbound marketing technology allows you to monitor and map which keywords are popular and allows you to continually update your content.

Plan for a sales funnel, not a swift exit

Website SEO alone is not a sales winner. But this is – SEO that successfully attracts web visitors to appealing, targeted content designed to nurture and grow new business.

Interested in learning more about the best ways to win more business with SEO? Find out now by downloading our free eGuide The Death of SEO.


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