Is your Business Ready for the Latest Marketing Trends?
By Alistair Norman

Is your Business Ready for the Latest Marketing Trends?

top 10 marketing trends of 2012 info graphicAre you prepared to make the most of the latest marketing trends?

Ready to respond to the fresh opportunities offered by market trends in 2012?

Here are just three – and why they matter to your business:

1. Marketing content gets personal

Next year is the year that marketing becomes more personalised. Tailored content that is customised to the needs and interests of a specific market or audience will grow in value and popularity.

2. Mobile marketing reaches critical mass

Mobile is going centre stage. A third of smartphone owners have used their device to buy a product online (Source: EPiServer) and this number is growing all the time. Companies that prepare their marketing approach for mobile in 2012 are the ones who will benefit from a marketplace that browses – and shops – on the move.

3. The customer recommendation rules

In 2012, the voice of the user or the customer will get louder. Businesses are getting smarter at integrating opportunities for customer feedback and response within their marketing approach. The companies that actively embrace this shift will be the ones that boost their profile and credibility in 2012.

Get more of the latest marketing trends now – download our eGuide The Top 10 Marketing Trends of 2012

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