Making a Marketing New Year’s Resolution or Revolution?
Are you making a marketing New Year’s resolution – or revolution?
New Year’s resolutions – they can be a one-off idea or a serious promise that helps us create lasting change. With 2012 around the corner, now is a great time to apply business marketing resolutions to make good things happen. So how do you make your resolution more of a revolution?
1. Think big, but don’t forget the detail
It’s all too easy to supersize your goals, without building in the detail that will get you there. When you’re planning your new year’s resolutions, make sure you create a balance between the bigger picture and the finer detail. That will help make your resolution both achievable and structured.
2. Have fun
Don’t avoid having fun when you’re writing down your new year’s resolutions! Relaxing will actually improve the creative process of developing ideas and deciding how to make them happen.
3. Involve other people
Bring in the crowd! Ask for ideas and input from employees and colleagues. Utilise customer feedback – both good and bad! Gain different perspectives to your own to help develop New Year’s resolutions that will help revolutionise your marketing in the months to come.
Get lots of ideas for your marketing New Year’s resolutions by downloading our eGuide 40 New Year’s Resolutions for Marketing in 2012.
Download the eGuide Now!
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