How to Develop a Content Plan [INFOGRAPHIC]
Modern marketing is inbound marketing, and it’s all about content. You need a content marketing plan that is aligned to overall business objectives to ensure it delivers what it needs to.
If you want to attract customers and convince them to do business with you, your content marketing strategy has to cover every point in your customer’s purchase cycle.
Research has shown that:
- More than 3.5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, etc.) get shared each week on Facebook
- 53 percent of people on Twitter recommend companies or their products in their tweets
- Businesses with 31 to 40 landing pages get seven times more leads than those with only one to five landing pages.
Maximise the opportunities that these statistics bring with a content marketing strategy that:
- Defines clear goals and objectives
- Identifies which personas you want to reach with each element
- Aligns to your audience’s triggers
- Pinpoints the content types to be used at different stages
- Establishes how the content will be created and promoted
- Includes the SEO keywords needed
- Categorises the platforms that will deliver it
- Determines the success measurement metrics
- Shows how it will help the business achieve its strategic goals.
Current content trends show that:
- 86% of marketers are creating video
- 66% are creating blog posts
- 44% are writing articles
- 44% are developing slideshows and photo galleries.
Choosing the right medium and platform is key to your content’s success, so keep in mind that:
- Companies that blog have 97% more inbound links
- Businesses with over 1,000 Facebook fans get 22 times more web traffic
- LinkedIn drives the most referrals to B2B sites
- 63% of companies using social media marketing say it has increased marketing effectiveness.
The Author |
Alistair Norman | Marketing DirectorAlistair is responsible for the strategy, design and implementation of our Inbound and Content Marketing, with a focus on developing B2B and B2C markets. |
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